Walk in the park, look at the sky: collected thoughts, processes and observations made during the course of making things
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- 19.12.22 WIP for Digital Impact, Barcelona 2023
I’m looking forward to being part of the Digital Impact group exhibition in Barcelona next year running from April 27th till August. The s…
- 19.12.22 Harmonic
Almost Moire 
- 19.12.22 Never Last Picked
More explorations of these forms. 
- 19.12.22 A Ghost and the Boy with A Box on His Head
A Ghost and the Boy with A Box on His Head Absolutely love this film.
- 04.12.22 That Was The Week That Was — 4th December 2022
Lots of sonic explorations right now for an ongoing project for release in the New Year. All these are from the cutting room. Fun…
- 13.11.22 That Was The Week That Was — 13th November 2022
Been exploring mathematical forms this week with added repeats and recursion. Really like the wooden forms which is probably influenced by…
- 12.11.22 The Forum: Yves Saint Laurent
The Forum: Yves Saint Laurent Great feature on the life of Yves Saint Laurent. Having visited the museum in Paris I’m always struck by how w…
- 16.10.22 That Was The Week That Was — 16th October 2022
They say travel broadens the mind and I've been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to have my mind expanded and visit many places…
- 25.09.22 That Was The Week That Was — 25th September 2022
This week started with a drop on NiftyGateway for the forthcoming book CryptoArt Begins, created by NFT Magazine and edited by Elenora…
- 18.09.22 That Was The Week That Was — 18th September 2022
This week I had two priorities: finish the work for the IN TOUCH group show curated by VerticalCrypto and Anika Meier and also make good…
- 04.09.22 That Was The Week That Was — 4th September 2022
- 29.08.22 That Was The Week That Was — 29th August 2022
After over a year of discussions against the background of COVID outbreaks, myself and Neal Gallery in Beijing have marked December 2022 as…
- 21.08.22 That Was The Week That Was – 21st August 2022
Operator – Ania Catherine and Dejha Ti – are two of my favourite artists; their work is brilliant, engaging, challenging and always thought pro…
- 15.08.22 That Was The Week That Was – 14th August 2022
It's been a tough week in many ways. I generally don't talk about personal things on my blog but the week has been dominated by elderly…
- 28.02.22 How Leonora Carrington Feminized Surrealism
How Leonora Carrington Feminized Surrealism Inspiration and research for new work.
- 17.01.22 Deleting all but the largest connected mesh in Houdini
How do you keep the largest connected mesh / primitive in Houdini and delete all the smaller, unconnected primitives? This was something I…