Walk in the park, look at the sky: collected thoughts, processes and observations made during the course of making things
- 3D
- Ack
- adobe
- Altoids
- Analog
- Arduino
- Automator
- Backup
- Bash
- Bookmark
- Books
- coltrane
- conference
- dataart
- Design
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- Eno
- Eyes
- Face-Tracking
- ffmpeg
- Fusion360
- Future-Everything
- fzf
- Git
- gridmarkets
- Hardware
- hitfilm
- houdini
- IndieWeb
- Input
- Inspiration
- Interview
- Inventory
- iOS
- Keyshot
- Kirby
- Leap Motion
- Mac
- Makerbot
- Making
- making
- Markdown
- Misconceptions
- nft
- notch
- Notes
- OpenFrameworks
- Opinion
- Output
- P5js
- photoshop
- Plain Text
- Process
- Processing
- Python
- robots
- ThisisHCD
- tmux
- Tools
- touchdesigner
- Transferwise
- Travel
- tw3
- tx3
- Ultisnips
- Video
- Vim
- Vimwiki
- Watson
- Web
- Work
- ZX81
- Everything
- 21.05.19 Aphrodite
- 01.05.19 Wires and Bits
- 28.04.19 Noisy
- 27.04.19 Wire
Similar technique as before but makes things look more circuit like. #houdinifx #generative
- 26.04.19 SOS growth
- 22.04.19 T.S. Eliot on the artists’ mind as a test chamber.
Love this quote from T.S. Eliot about thoughts, feelings and images as particles, uniting to form a compound.
- 29.03.19 More frequency
- 28.03.19 There’s nothing more satisfying than when you manage to figure out something t…
Currently working on a project in TouchDesigner and needed an elegant way to fade out and fade in audio programmatically. In the end I used…
- 26.03.19 Strata
- 25.03.19 Contours
- 21.03.19 Vents
- 13.03.19 Flowing Dragon
- 11.03.19 Molecular
- 27.02.19 More interference studies
- 26.02.19 Noisy sketch
- 06.02.19 Metallic disco noise
- 06.02.19 Noisy vinyl
- 06.02.19 Noise ridges
- 02.02.19 Quick sketch of Boolean growth test
- 29.01.19 Interview on This is HCD Podcast
When I was speaking at Pixel Pioneers Belfast in November 2018, Gerry Scullion — founder and host of the This is HCD podcast — asked if I'd lik…
- 12.01.19 John Whitney's Showreel from 1961
I’ve always been a fan of John Whitney’s work, starting from when I first saw his collaboration with Saul Bass to create the Vertigo titles for…
- 07.01.19 Unravelling Monet
Colours derived from a Monet painting. #houdini
- 04.01.19 Great tutorial on working with CSV data in Houdini
This is a really great tutorial by Niklas Rosenstein showing how to use csv files with Python in Houdini, rendering over one billion points!
- 04.01.19 Le Corbusier's colour keyboards
Whilst I’m not a fan of everything Le Corbusier did — some work is just too brutal even for me — I’ve always loved his colour keyboards. I’ve on…
- 03.01.19 Collection of Cassette Inlays
Nice collection of cassette inlay covers via Flickr. I think at some point back in the eighties I must have had all of these, usually…
- 02.01.19 Forming my talk for New Adventures
Scribbling, doodling and making marks that will eventually form my talk at New Adventures in Nottingham in a few weeks. My notes for a talk…
- 02.01.19 Marbled Endpapers from the Bank of North America
In the course of some research, chanced upon this nice Flickr collection of marbled endpapers taken from the Bank of North America.
- 01.01.19 Images from the 1906 book Polyhedra by Prof. Max Bruckner
A wonderful collection of images http://bulatov.org/polyhedra/bruckner1906/index.html detailing plates from this 1906 book of Polyhedra.…
- 31.12.18 My go-to pen: the Caran d’Ache 849
No matter how many pens I try, I always come back to this Swiss made classic. A beautifully simple design, the aluminium case is not too…
- 19.12.18 I recently cleared my desk of unnecessary things, such as the pot of pens that…
These are: a jewellers magnifier — great for reading wherever small print maybe, an Olfa Magna touch knife — use this every day for opening stu…