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- 10.11.19 VFX File Formats You Need to Know to Save Time and Space
VFX File Formats You Need to Know to Save Time and Space Nice write-up on VFX image file formats from Pluralsight.
- 07.11.19 Lowercase a
One of the things that drives me these days is need to go deeper, to craft, to drill down and explore the often delicate, finer details.…
- 07.11.19 Working on some visuals for the next issue of the Dawesome Digest
#Houdinifx #generativedesign #generativeart #computationalart #codedart
- 04.11.19 CAST Visiting Artist Diemut Strebe — The Redemption of Vanity
CAST Visiting Artist Diemut Strebe — The Redemption of Vanity A two million dollar diamond, covered in nanotubes — the worlds blackest mat…
- 03.11.19 That Was The Week That Was — 3rd November 2019
This week I made the decision to move my Produced for Use products to an Amazon Warehouse, so Amazon could not only fulfill orders, but…
- 03.11.19 BBC iPlayer - Westwood: Punk, Icon, Activist
BBC iPlayer - Westwood: Punk, Icon, Activist Fascinating documentary about Vivienne Westwood, especially to see the seeming lack of control…
- 03.11.19 Key to a happy home - The Forecast 2016 - Magazine | Monocle
Key to a happy home - The Forecast 2016 - Magazine | Monocle Interesting piece in Monocle about the relationship between architecture and…
- 02.11.19 Fact checking Facebook’s fantasies
Fact checking Facebook’s fantasies Informative piece in the FT, fact checking Zuckerberg’s speech to Congress when he laughingly stated Fac…
- 30.10.19 Is Amazon Unstoppable? | The New Yorker
Is Amazon Unstoppable? | The New Yorker Fascinating — and disturbing — article in the New Yorker about Amazon’s relentless rise to power.
- 29.10.19 Life is Quantum
Life is Quantum How the weirdness of Quantum mechanics effects our everyday lives.
- 28.10.19 More UV packing experiments
This time using a simple rectangle. #Houdinifx #generativedesign #generativeart #computationalart #codedart
- 27.10.19 That Was The Week That Was — 27th October 2019
After several days of wrangling with colours for the latest piece of work, liking something then a few hours later realising it was…
- 23.10.19 The Making of Kind of Blue
The Making of Kind of Blue Great documentary on the making of what is regarded as the greatest jazz record of all time. Recently got a…
- 22.10.19 Exploring UV packing in Houdini
#houdinifx #generativedesign #generativeart #computationalart #codedart #typography #typefacedesign #typographydesign
- 20.10.19 That Was The Week That Was — 20th October 2019
This latest work is almost done, except now I'm trying to wrestle with these new colours that need to be incorporated somehow. My initial…
- 17.10.19 Can a Machine Learn to Write for The New Yorker?
Can a Machine Learn to Write for The New Yorker? Fascinating article in the New Yorker about the current and future state of machine…
- 13.10.19 That Was The Week That Was — 13th October 2019
Much of this week saw me doing final work for the next Produced for Use release, scheduled for the end of October. I invested in a nice…
- 13.10.19 Marc Ronson: From the Heart – great documentary on BBC iPlayer about Ronson, h…
Marc Ronson: From the Heart – great documentary on BBC iPlayer about Ronson, his life and his influences Love this documentary on BBC i…
- 13.10.19 Explorations in selection using measured curvature
#houdinifx #generativedesign #generativeart #computationalart #codedart
- 09.10.19 A room with no boundaries
Voronoi fracture which is then exploded to create gaps and the made into a poly wire. #houdinifx #generativedesign #generativeart
- 08.10.19 Computer Generated Spatially Quantised Thing
#houdinifx #generativedesign #computationaldesign
- 07.10.19 Filling the void
#houdinifx #generativedesign
- 07.10.19 That Was The Week That Was — 6th October 2019
I iterated from the Voronoi fracture stuff I was doing the week before and decided to try it out with some typography, using the Crayonette…
- 07.10.19 Created Contours #generativedesign #houdinifx
- 07.10.19 Ceramic Growth Pattern #houdinifx #generativedesign #generative…
- 07.10.19 Organic Ceramic #generativedesign #houdinifx #generativegraphics #organic
- 05.10.19 An ant colony has memories that its individual members don’t have | Aeon Ideas
An ant colony has memories that its individual members don’t have | Aeon I…
- 30.09.19 Handy FFMpeg Automator Scripts
This is a follow up to the post detailing how to quickly convert sequential images into a movie using ffmpeg. Since writing that I've…
- 30.09.19 Fractured
- 29.09.19 That Was The Week That Was — 29th September 2019
More learnings this week in Houdini, as I dive deeper into Vellum, Houdini's soft body simulation stuff. For a while I had a series of…