That Was The Week That Was — 29th September 2019
More learnings this week in Houdini, as I dive deeper into Vellum, Houdini's soft body simulation stuff.
For a while I had a series of Voronoi sphere's that refused to recognise the collision geometry I had created — a grid with a series of random holes for them to fall through. The spheres would seemingly get stuck in some of the holes, as if they were defying gravity. After some investigation, and turning on the option to show the collision geometry guide, I saw that the geometry was all wrong. As it turned out I hadn't set the resolution of the grid high enough for when the holes were cut out of the grid. It looked fine, but was actually completely wrong. Once I fixed that everything worked as it should. One of the reasons I make these little experiments is exactly because of things like this — now I know about grid resolution affecting boolean operations.
Had a quick conference call about a new piece of work that would start with a workshop. The project is an exciting one for sure.
The longlist for the Information is Beautiful awards was announced and The Art of Cybersecurity made it into the Science and Technology category. Shortlist is announced in a couple of weeks.
Finished watching TopBoy on Netflix. Really great. Harrowing but also surprisingly moving in places.