Walk in the park, look at the sky: collected thoughts, processes and observations made during the course of making things
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- making
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- Everything
- 18.12.09 This says it all really...
The tags attached to the files on my Mac kind of sum me (and mN) up nicely.
- 06.12.09 Work in progress: iPhone toy 2 update
Starting to play better with the Super Formula algorithm. Touch point distance and rotation influence the shapes.
- 06.12.09 Work in progress, new iPhone toy
No idea what this is yet!
- 16.11.09 Elena iPhone app now available
http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/elena/id339376599?mt=8 More details here: http://www.brendandawes.com/projects/elena/ And it's free!
- 04.11.09 Cecil Balmond on provoking exploration
‘We wanted to break the traditional, continuous sight lines of a bridge to create a structure that provokes exploration and questioning of a…
- 31.10.09 Building simple toy on iPhone with openframeworks
- 22.10.09 Using openFrameworks for iPhone dev
- 20.10.09 The collectable nature of iPhone apps and why it matters
A few months we lauched a little thing called Skinni Popcorn at www.skinnipopcorn.com One of the key design considerations when we were…
- 17.09.09 A few magical things for a Thursday...
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” – Arthur C Clarke …