That Was The Week That Was — 28th July 2019
At the beginning of the week I put together the first round of images for this latest client work. These were very much work in progress — things to start a conversation, to see what resonates and probably more importantly, doesn't. These images were put into a PDF together with explanations of the process and thinking I went through to get to these current images. What was interesting to me was when I put them together as a collection. I could see clearly what worked and what didn't work — much more so than viewing each piece on their own. Feedback was very encouraging. We're in a good place. Next stage is taking the main client through the thinking so far.
I had word that one of the Produced for Use orders hadn't arrived after ten days. Not for the first time has a parcel gone missing in the mail system. There's nothing to do but send it out again, only this time paying for tracking.
I've always believed that it's important to document your learnings as you do them, rather than at the end of the process, as things are much clearer in your mind when you're actually making them. For this reason I made a quick screen cast of a technique in Houdini that allows you to control the width of a line or a curve over its length.
In November I'm heading to Sevilla in Spain — somewhere that has been on my must visit places for some time — to speak at OFFF Sevilla. The line-up looks great and having looked at the photos from the last event, the venue looks really impressive.
Many people have asked if they could get a non-folded version of the poster that comes as part of Notes to Myself. However, sending large posters in the mail is always a big task, plus I don't really have the storage for such things. So instead I thought I'd get an A5 screen print made — much easier to store and easier to send, plus I think it'll look great in that format. After some research, inspired by who my friends use, I emailed Harvey LLoyd Screens in East Sussex to ask about getting them made. A few days later, and after a few amends to the print, the order was made for a lovely two color screen print. Looking forward to getting these and putting them live in the shop.