Shoe company Vivobarefoot asked me to work with them on their Made to Feel campaign to capture data and to visualise what it means to feel the earth beneath your feet when wearing their shoes.
During a week long photo shoot I captured location and environmental data using a special bespoke electronic device I had made, nicknamed VERA — Vivo Environmental Recording Apparatus. Alongside this device was the use of Arion shoe sensors together with an open source brain scanner.
In the following weeks I took this captured information and created a bespoke app to play with the data against the shots from the new photo campaign, using location, date, time, wind speed, temperature, shoe data and other captured metrics.
The final visuals created a flowing terrain influenced by the wind speed — the higher the speed the greater the amplitude and frequency of the terrain. Shoe data was then mapped out across the images pertaining to that shot, together with various other elements to make high resolution images and animations for use on Instagram and on the Vivobarefoot website.